My second book with Martingale is due out next June!
A few weeks ago, I received a letter from them saying they'd like to start photographing the quilts in their offices in Bothell, WA, (about 2 hours south of where I live), and they wondered whether I'd be interested in having some of my primitives used as props in the photos. Well, yeah!
So I sent them photos of some of the stuff around my house, like this:
They emailed me back with their choices.
I loaded them into my car, drove down this week, and brought them into the studio.
My quilts were waiting in line...

for Brent, the photographer, (aka "the quilt whisperer") to work his magic.
Sometimes other equipment was used to give the desired effect.
A tripod was used to adjust a quilt, just so.
And sometimes a quilt needed a quick pressing.
After seeing all the work involved in getting the photos just right, I'll never look at pictures in quilt magazines and books the same way again!
(No wonder my recipes never look like the photographs!)
So when my book comes out next summer, check out the props, as well as the quilts!
The quilts were photographed in a day (which I'm told is pretty fast)
and the next morning Regina (the production manager) and Brent worked on some cover shots.
In between, I had time to wander the offices.
Even the lunch room has quilt designs on the floor!
Halloween pumpkins were parked in the aisles.
Who wouldn't love an office with beautiful quilts around every corner?
Look at the machine quilting on this one!
It was so much fun to visit there again!
Thanks, Martingale, for being such a wonderful company to work with.