Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ups and Downs

First, the ups! On Monday I received a package containing the proofs of my upcoming book, "Country Comforts" due to be published by Martingale on May 3, 2010! It will contain 12 patterns--some brand new and some old favourites. How exciting to see it finally taking shape! So, just the last bit of proof-reading before it's sent back to the publisher. It will be out just in time to debut at Quilt Market next spring.
Another up--I received a wonderful note in the mail from a lady I'd never met but who had purchased and made my "Amish Country" pattern. Thanks Jacklyn, for taking the time to send this to me. She says the quilt is her treasure and I agree--it turned out gorgeous. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when my patterns get such rave reviews. I scanned the picture to share with you but my scanner doesn't do the colours justice.
Now for the "downs". On Monday my dear (almost 60 years old) husband decided one of our birch trees needed topping so he waited until I was out grocery shopping (since he knew I wouldn’t want him to do this) and climbed 30 feet up the tree and then fell. This is the tree.
He was knocked out but when he came to he managed to crawl to the house and call 911. I came home to find a firetruck parked in front of our house. They told me what had happened and that Ben had already been taken to the hospital by ambulance. He’s got a broken right arm, a bruised lung, and 7 fractured ribs and is pretty banged up but it could have been much worse. He was in ICU for a couple of days and is now in a regular room awaiting surgery and hopes to be home next week. He’ll be off work for at least 2 months. I hope now he’ll listen to me but I'm not holding my breath. Anyone out there who has a similar crazy husband story and can empathize with me?


  1. Wonder if they make balloons that read "I told you so!" instead of Get Well Soon???? LOL!
    Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing thinking, "MEN!" they never listen... seems like something my Dad would do, duh!
    Hope you can be good to him after this. He might listen to you from now on; but I wouldn't hold my breath.
    Be strong, and hang in there! B=)

  2. OMGosh horrifying for him and I see now why he waited! I wouldn't have let him climb it either.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your book...hgow exciting for you.

    And the quilt is fabulous.

  3. Oh, that must have hurt, but I can sympathize.
    Mine thought he could jump on a trampoline with the kids at a party, was out of work for two months with no pay. Ripped the the quad in his knee.
    That was an expensive lesson;)


  4. Oh, I forgot to say, congratulations on the book, can't wait to see it.


  5. hi from Argentina...I´m sewing the same project than Jacklyn....when I finish it , i send the pics too...
    hope your hubby likes to read ....hurts and bones get better staying quiet and warm....
    merry Christmas to you all and thanks to share your life here ...quilts will joint the world in love and peace ...
