Remember when we were kids and when we went back to school in the fall, we had to write about what we did over the summer? Here's my version for summer 2009.
I designed a little candle-mat called "Counting Sheep". The pattern will be ready soon!

I also finished the first draft of my book for Martingale, due to be published next June. Can't share the pictures yet--sorry!
After almost 18 years since we built our home, it was time for some renovating. The blue living-room rug had to go.

The walls were painted several times before I got the colour I wanted. Then the hardwood flooring arrived.

All our stuff was moved into the garage, including kitchen appliances.

The floor was installed in the living room.

At first, we were still able to eat in the kitchen.

But then the kitchen floor was sanded and refinished to match the living room and we ate our meals in the garage.

The project's still ongoing. These things always take longer than you think they will, so no "after" pictures to show yet. But at least we're back to eating in the kitchen!
Northcott Fabrics came out with a line for the Winter Olympics to be held in Vancouver in 2010. The asked several Canadian pattern designers to come up with some ideas using the fabric. My version is called, "Winter Rings." It will be traveling the country with the other quilts and will be displayed in quilt shops over the next several months. The pattern will be available as well.

The next two weeks will be spent working with two other Canadian designers, preparing for our first "Quilts at Tanglebank Gardens" show, being held September 12 from 10-5. We hope that the wonderful sunny weather we've enjoyed this summer will continue till then. Come see us if you can!

And last, but not least, we celebrated my parents' 55th wedding anniversary.
So, our summer was more of a "staycation" but it was great, all the same.