1) Attending Spring Quilt Market in Minneapolis in May. My first book, Country Comforts--Quilts for Casual Living, will be released at that time. I'm planning to fly down early so that I can enjoy a little road trip, scouting out cool quilt and antique shops in Minnesota and Wisconsin. If anyone has any "not to be missed" places to visit in these states, please let me know!
2) Attending the Buggy Barn annual quilt show in August. I've been in contact with Pam and Janet and this year will be part of their wonderful show. Check out their website at http://www.buggybarnquilts.com/.
3) Along with some friends, hosting the second annual "Quilts in Tanglebank Gardens" show on September 11 (http://www.tanglebank.com/). We've already started to plan!
Of course, the start of a new year brings the practical stuff that has to get done, like the actual inventory taking, so downstairs I go to my studio. Here's the mural I painted on the wall (the center house looks like mine):