The sun is shining, my bulbs are starting to poke their leaves through the soil, and it's starting to feel a lot like spring. Hurray! (I hate winter, can you tell?)
So I thought I'd share a little table mat you can make to celebrate the promise of new life that spring brings.
All you need to make this is two 8" squares of green felt, a 6" square of light yellow felt, and a scrap of gold felt. (I used National Nonwoven's Reet's Relish, Native Maize, and Butternut Squash.) Plus embroidery floss to match (I used DMC 676, 730, 782, and black) and some freezer paper.
Trace the following template onto graph paper and then onto the dull side of the freezer paper.
Iron the freezer paper onto the felt and cut out 2 mat shapes and 6 chick and beak shapes. Whip stitch the beaks onto the chicks with 1 strand of matching floss. Use 2 strands of black floss to make French knots for the eyes. Pin the chicks onto one of the mat shapes and whip stitch each into place with 1 strand of matching floss. Pin the 2 mat shapes together and blanket stitch around the outside edge with 2 strands of matching floss.
Voila! How simple was that?
Happy spring everyone!