After months of planning, our Quilts at Tanglebank Garden Show is over and it couldn't have been better. Here on the "wet" coast of Canada, sunny weather is never guaranteed but we were blessed with beautiful sunshine, which helped make the day so wonderful.

We could not have attempted to produce a show like this without our amazing friends and family members who volunteered to help set up all the props the day before. You guys are the best and we can't thank you enough!

Arnold and Brenda Falk, the owner of Tanglebank Gardens, were so generous to us, allowing us to hold our show on their gorgeous property. Dougal Walker of The Freckles Collection, one of the three designers at the show, gave Brenda this wallhanging to express our appreciation.

Another "before" picture.

On Saturday, September 13, the day of the show, we arrived at Tanglebank at 6:00 am, just as the sun was rising, to begin hanging the quilts.

Sometimes the breeze blew a quilt off its rod. Fortunately, my husband was there with his tape for a quick fix.

Our wonderful greeters welcomed the guests as they arrived and gave them a brochure to guide them around the quilts and a ticket for the door prizes.

More creative thinking was required when the boutique tent threatened to collapse.

Heather McArthur, editor of "Quilters Connection", was there to launch this new Canadian quilting magazine. She also drew the tickets for the prize draw at 4:00 pm.
When Dougal, Sue, and I first talked about having a show like this, we had no idea what to expect. I was amazed and humbled to see the line of cars pulling onto the driveway. I think we had about 400 guests, which boggles my mind. Sometimes designing patterns can be a lonely endeavour and when there are long stretches of time between orders, I begin to question whether I should continue or move on to doing something else. This weekend was such a confirmation to me that I'm where I should be. And when I see the number of people who were willing to spend their day helping us, I realize how very blessed I am to have such amazing friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you all.