The quilt car greeted the visitors to the show, which was very well attended.

This was my booth in the show. The merchants were placed right in the middle of the quilts on display which brought a lot of visitors through my booth and also let me feast my eyes on some beautiful quilts all day.
My sisters came with me and found time to cross-stitch and rug-hook in between cutting fabric.
How neat to see one of my quilt patterns, Now I Know My ABCs, made for someone's grandson and displayed in the show!

I loved this amazing pineapple quilt--it has over 6600 pieces!!!
Thanks to all of you who came by and said hi and told me you had made my patterns. Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me. It was a wonderful time.
Holy quilt car!! That is the coolest car I have ever seen. Your booth looks so fun. I wish I lived closer so I could have gone. WOW!! 6,600 pieces--that person has a lot more patience that I will ever have. Have a great day. Julie