This week, hubby and I decided to take advantage of our beautiful spring weather and spent a day in Vancouver with our daughter who lives there. If you watched the Olympics, this will be a familiar sight. Almost everything else related to the Olympics has been taken down. We viewed the rings when walking the seawall in Stanley Park.

Several years ago, during a much colder winter, Stanley Park was hit with an ice storm, which damaged and destroyed many of the beautiful old trees.

At first glance, we couldn't tell what this was. Can you guess?
It's a "stump cozy" created by a local artist. She cut small disks from fallen trees, had people burn messages into them, tied them all together with rope, and covered the stump with it. Isn't that a great idea? Here's a close-up of some of the disks.

I liked this one that says, "Hope".

I couldn't help but feel hopeful when we saw these beautiful cherry trees in blossom, a bit further into the park.
Happy spring, everyone!
Beautiful place to go for a walk. Still a bit cool this week, but can't wait for nicer weather and long walks.
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